why hook up

Why hooking up feels so good

30 June 2020

Hooking up with someone is one of the most pleasurable things that you can do. It doesn’t cost money, it doesn’t require any kind of qualifications or special skills. Everything that you need to be able to do to hook up with someone is hard-wired into you as a human. No matter how rich or poor you are, you can hook up and have the time of your life!

So why is hooking up such a...

Hooking up is the best way to start a relationship

5 August 2019

When most people think of looking for a hook up and looking for a relationship, generally they do so by thinking about things very separately. When most people are actively looking for a relationship, a lot of them actively avoid hook-ups! In most people’s minds, a hook up is not a good way to begin a relationship, and a hook up is very unlikely to lead to a relationship. If this were true,...

Top three reasons why women want to hook up

26 April 2019

There are differences between men and women when it comes to hooking up. Men, generally like to hook up for physical reasons. They want to have sex and they are driven from the body to do so. There is nothing wrong with this, there is no reason why you should not hook up from a physical need, and women hook up for this reason as well. For women though, there are often other reasons. So here...