Get your hook up logistics sorted

When hooking up with someone, it is really helpful to have somewhere you can bring the person back to in order to have sex. Sometimes you might hook up with someone and be able to go back to theirs… but you can not rely on it, and if the logistics are not in place, it can make the difference between a hook up that happens and one that does not! You also might find that some people are far more comfortable having a hook up with someone new at their place rather than their own for the first time. This is so that no matter what happens, they can walk away clean. You do not know where they live, so if you turn out to be a bunny boiler they are more likely to be safe. You might argue that if you were a bunny boiler, coming back to yours is a terrible idea… there is no clear answer to that, I am just reporting how some people feel!
Things you need
This is not rocket science, but once you get someone back to yours, there are certain things that you are going to need.
- Firstly, you are going to need a double bed – a single bed generally won’t cut it.
- Secondly, you are going to need it clean. I mean clean sheets, tidy and made. This is not difficult, but it can be a real turn off if you present a dirty bed to someone (appreciating that for others that would be an active turn on of course – but you would want to know that first!).
- Thirdly, you need to keep the place in reasonably clean condition overall. This is not a complete deal breaker, but it is going to be helpful.
- Fourthly, have some drinks to hand. This does not have to be a fully stocked drinks cabinet not anything super fancy. Some people still need some liquid plausible deniability on a hook up, and you need to be able to serve to them, preferably in a nice glass! They may not even drink much or any of it, but it is important to be able to pour them a drink as part of the theatre of the evening's events.
- Fifthly, have some protection on hand. Many people won’t sleep with someone else without a condom for the first time and this is a sensible choice. So get some stocked.
Once you have your logistics in place, good luck and have fun!