The New Year Hook Up

There are many times of year that are particularly ripe for hooking up. Valentines day is one of the most popular. When you go out on the 14th February and meet people, if they are not with a partner you can be 90% sure that they are single and that they are open to being approached. Valentines day serves as a reminder to all the single people that they are not having sex and that they are missing out. This acts as a driver to encourage them to hook up. Christmas is not a good time. Christmas is generally about family time rather than couple time if you are single. If you are out on Christmas day looking to hook up, there is a hanging question of why you are not with your family. This can put people off. New years on the other hand is a whole new story.
The new year brings with it an enforced evaluation of what you have been doing for the last 12 months. Often time can seem to fly by and many people at new year often look back and wonder what they were doing with their lives that they achieved so little in that time. This has never been truer than during the last year of COVID where many people lost days, weeks and months having to wait things out either because of personal quarantine or because of a wider lock down that may have been imposed on the area they were living in. This has made it harder to meet people and hook up, which means in turn that there are more regrets on the table in terms of relationships.
For those people that are single, 1st January 2022 is a time to make a decision and a commitment to do something about their lack of intimacy. It provides an excuse and a driver to take action. This can take all sorts of forms, from making a commitment to going out more to joining a dating app or website like this one. One thing is certain, they are now single and ready to mingle.
So, if you are looking to hook up with someone of engage in casual adult dating, the new year is the perfect time to do it. January is full of people that really want to meet someone, and that someone could be you.
My advice, take action and do not miss out on this opportune time to hook up. The January new years drive comes but once a year (literally once a year!).