Hook up for sexy shower time – but don’t have sex!

Most hooks up these days happen either via the internet and a decent hook up website like this one, or it takes place in a bar somewhere. Either way, the beginning steps are the same, whether they are in person or virtual. You are looking at the person, you are trying to decide if you physically fancy them or are attracted to them in some way, there may be a little chatter back and forth either of the in-person banter or the more careful written variety. Eventually, you decide whether you want to make the leap and go back to theirs or have them come back to yours. It is when this happens, that this article comes into play.
When you bring someone back / go back to someone else’s place to hook up, you are going to have to go through the process of removing all clothing and having some sexy contact time. This can be awkward and tricky… a great way around this is to use something with warm water. The very best thing is if you have a jacuzzi! “Let’s get in my jacuzzi, it is warm and bubbly, it is going to be great!” You have to take your clothes off to do this, and bobs your uncle you are now naked and ready to go. Most of us do not have this luxury however, but the shower is a good second choice.
Sharing a lovely warm shower is a great way to have sexy time together. You can really feel each other, stroke, touch, explore in slow and sexy ways. There is something primaeval about cleaning each other, this is something that most mates in the animal kingdom do for each other, and I think it is still hard-wired into us on some level. You can really turn each other, play with each other’s private parts, even use various bottles that may be lying around the bathroom to help with all this. Then after getting really turned on and comfortable with each other, you can move to the bedroom and have sex. It is great.
Do not have sex in the shower
The warning here is clear, do not actually have sex in the shower. Standing up sex is really difficult to make good unless the man has a porn star size dick or the woman is 4 foot tall. You might try and fall back on giving each other oral sex, but you will end up with a face and mouth full of water feeling like you are about to drown. You also are going to be affected by the temperature changes, showers are notoriously hard to set at the perfect temperature and you don’t want to have to struggle with this. So please, for your sake, don’t do it.
When you have a hook up, having sexy shower time is a great choice, but maybe save the actual sex for the bedroom.